Sunday, February 12, 2006

Drifter has left Ramadi

Howdy from TQ, y'all.

Ramadi, that garden spot of the al-Anbar province, became a memory only for us last night when we lifted out on two CH-46 helicopters at about 2200 local time, and landed in TQ about 20 minutes later. We were supposed to have lifted on the 10th, but poor visibility shut down all flights into or out of TQ, so we had to call the new team and have them bring us back to our old house. Slightly anticlimactic, but we were worried about being delayed again last night, which would have put us on a ground convoy early this morning. Nothing against ground convoys, but definitely NOT the last thing you want to do prior to leaving Iraq. They could end up being the last thing you do period, so we were happy that the helos were flying last night.

I will write up a good post today to put up later, but just wanted to let you all know that we all safely made it here, and we are in the glidepath home. Home home home. Just like the sound of it.

More to come, and some pictures too, insh'allah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day to everybody!

14 February, 2006 02:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news! Repeat the word 'home' as much as you like; you're heading in the right direction! Thank you all, SO much, for your service and the great job you've done on this deployment!

16 February, 2006 12:07  

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